
This is a blog where the beasts of San Diego come and share their talents both from inside the theme parks and outside in their own world. Anything goes, so prepare for a truly beasted experience.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Names Aaron

Hello, Beashead fans. This blog is untouched like a snowy backyard. My name's Aaron Philby. I try and beast it from time to time. I live in Korea now. I was recently married to a Korean. She's a Korean girl. I like girls. Actually she's a women. I like women, but just one though. Here are some drawings from Korea.

This is Lulu. He's not my wife, but he's got nice lips though. huh. I like this drawing. This is a very strong piece. Strong pieces are hard to do sometimes.

 Here's a photo of the bloke. You'll notice that I made his lips bigger than they actually are. 

 Here's Min Jong. She has big lips too. Wow! Maybe I just draw everybody with big lips. I'm gonna have to be careful about that.

 I don't know why she's standing like that or why she has a paw rather than a hand.

 Here's Min Jong again doing the switchy knee dance. Me and Saemee taught her how to do this dance. Now she does it all the time and can't stop. Just kidding. 

Here's Eric. He's from the brute squad. Here he is posing on the golf course, with rays of sunshine singing glory upon his baldness.
 Eric came to Korea and killed a guy and then went back home.

This is what my style looks like now at its worse incase anybody's curious. Actually I think this is a copy of my drawing by the artist Munyoung, but he was faithful to the original. One way Korean artists practice is to copy other artists drawings. I'm not sure if that's the best way, but what do I know. I bet it builds good motor skills. I was thinking today about what I would guess would be good practice for live caricature, and I'm thinking I have good reason to believe that still-life drawing would be really good practice. I think it would be good because it builds observation skills and gives you a handle on thinking in three dimensions but it doesn't cloud your mind with notions of what people ought to look like in the way that a life drawing class might do. But I'm not real sure. I also think just trying to straight up do some awesome caricatures would be good practice too.  Thanks for reading this post. I hope to post here again soon, but what I hope more is somebody else posts instead. I don't really have much new material for this blog, but I can write and that's somethin if it's not nothin.